Monday, September 6, 2010

This could get interesting

The furnace kicked on this morning and I rolled over. Three day weekends are great for sleeping in, and cool weather is great for sleeping, so why not sleep in. Another cold front passed through last night, only this one actually felt like a "COLD" front. The season is changing and I usually enjoy it. This year is a little different because of SHAQ. I was hoping for another month of good weather, and we still might get it, but it won't matter now.....
When I finally rolled out of bed I looked outside to see SHAQ and his frozen leaves. I was talking to Randy a couple weeks ago at work, and he said you know your plant has froze when all the leaves are drooping. Yep, that's what they are doing. I'll be optimistic and hope they're just playing dead. Four weeks of potential growing have turned into four weeks of hoping the competition doesn't catch up. This could get interesting.

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