Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life after Shaq?

"Why didn't you cover it?"
"all that effort wasted!"
"I'm going to turn you into the 'Pumpkin Endangerment Agency!!!'"

These were just a few of the comments I was greeted with this morning at work. The overall mood was that of disappointment, disbelief, and anger.

How could I, Mr.Trash talker himself, let something so simple as covering the plant end the growing season? Seriously? I built a freakin green house to protect the emerging seedling, but overlooked the same weather later in the year. Why, because SHAQ had grown to GIANT status? Was I satisfied with his size and became complacent thinking I had this thing won? I don't know why, but I didn't cover him up, and I must take this mistake to the grave. What could have been.

OK, enough of that talk. What's done is done. I must "man up" and live with the results.

I cut SHAQ off the vine,(more like cutting the vine off of SHAQ) and will put him in a shady spot under the deck.

Final measurements-
100 inches in circumference= ~250lbs
230 total inches=~250lbs

I rolled him onto the bathroom scale laid across some bricks and the scale read about 265lbs. I'll get a much more precise weight on weigh day.


  1. In your defense, we passed by and checked out the SHAQ yesterday. We noticed that your neighbors down the road had pumpkin plants that hadn't frozen, and wondered why the freeze seemed to target you.

  2. A picture of SHAQ with your girls would be nice so we can see just how big he is...

  3. someone must have bribed nasty 'ol Jack Frost to attack the Shaq.
