Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Have you ever known someone who could eat,eat,eat, and then eat some more? When we were growing up my brother Todd was like that, .... and he still is. A couple years ago we were fishing and Todd made the comment that he was so hungry he could eat 10 cheeseburgers. I called BS. I told him I would pay for 10 cheeseburgers at McDonald's if he would eat all of them. When we were done fishing we went to McDonald's, and the dude didn't eat 10 cheeseburgers. He ate 11!!!.
The reason I bring that story up is because that's where SHAQ is right now. (no, not McDonald's). Unlike Todd who could eat and eat and not gain weight, SHAQ is eating everything, and gaining weight. I would say he has some serious "fat potential". He's gained 15" in his waistline in only 5 days. That's a lot of McDonald's cheeseburgers.

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