Thursday, August 12, 2010

County Fair time

"People loose interests in blogs if they aren't updated daily" That's what Becky has been telling me for awhile now. She also tells me golf tips, and she's right ever time, so maybe she's right with this too?. The biggest problem is I don't always have a lot to say other than Shaq is growing, so if you want an update on SHAQ, he's 43" at the widest point. He looks healthy, and should have no problem winning this thing unless something unexpected happens. There you go, there's your update.

If you want to read about the county fair, keep reading.

I went to the County Fair today. I saw a few people I know, and many more that I don't know. I recognized the lady from 1983 who has the awesome mullet and can be seen wearing a tank top 4 sizes too big to show off her drooping faded tattoos. You know the one. I saw 4 rat tails. Actually, one of them wasn't a tail but more like a 4"x4" patch of hair at the top of his neck. I tried and tried to remember who he reminded me of, but my memory couldn't go back that far. Where are these people during the rest of the year?

I used to rock a tail back in 83' when I was 6.

We went to the different displays. Sheep, cows, rabbits, goats, goats, goats, roosters, pigeons, goats, rabbits, goats, cotton candy, ferris wheel, gigantic slide,goats....quilts, needlework, clothing, corn, beans, peas, beats, goats.

When we entered the "Produce Barn", I immediately started looking for Pumpkins. I finally spotted two pumpkins way across the room. One had a blue ribbon on it. I wondered what the ribbon could be for. It seemed like all of the red potatoes had a blue ribbon. There were like 7 plates of red potatoes, all with blue ribbons. Maybe the judge didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so he gave them all blue ribbons. Who knows? When I reached the pumpkin table with only two pumpkins I couldn't believe what I read. Next to the bigger pumpkin (the one about the size of a volleyball with a blue ribbon on top) I read "Biggest Pumpkin Winner!! $20 prize" ...........What?

I cut 6 pumpkins off the vine that would have all beat this little guy. If I would have entered the contest, and if the contest was judged by the potato judge......I would have had 6 blue ribbons for sure. Oh well.

Back home I measured SHAQZILLA. He's 43" around. He's grown 23" in 1 week, and he's only getting bigger. Hey lady from 1983... Tattoo that on your free real estate just under the one of the unicorn, and as time passes you can watch SHAQ grow as you continue to sag......

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