Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm thinking the split in the main vine will be OK. It looks much better after a few days of rest and relaxation for SHAQ. He hasn't had too much to worry about lately. You see, he is in the teenage stage right now. Just a bunch of lounging around eating doritos and playing nintendo. No responsibilities, no demands, and no worries. He definitely fits the "dumb jock" stereotype. He's so big and dumb in this stage of his development that he doesn't comprehend how an inch long cut in his main vine would be cause for worry. I (his overprotective parent for this analogy) am having a hard time cutting the apron strings, and probably overreacted when I saw him stumble to the edge of the field with blood on his jersey. You can see from the pics that THE BIG SHAQ is about to move out of teenage stage and enter adulthood. He has started growing numerous male flowers, and I've notice the bees are starting to "call dibs" on being the first to spread his pollen throughout the valley. For all of you pumpkin growers out there.....BEWARE!!! If you aren't wanting your pretty little pumpkins crossbreeding with THE BIG SHAQ, AKA the Big pollinator, AKA the GOAT, AKA the MVP, you better keep an eye on your pumpkin patch. SHAQ isn't only interested in winning this competition, He wants to rule the world.......anybody got any extra doritos? SHAQ ate the last bag.

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